New type of malware every 4.2 seconds in 2017

That is 72.6% more than last year.


“Trojans are the most common of all categories of malware. These can have different functions. Think of downloading and installing files, spying on the victim (spyware), and recording keystrokes (keyloggers). , Also extracting passwords from, for example, browser history (password stealers), including the infected PC in a botnet and having distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS attacks) executed to shut down websites.

Number two is adware, which is reported very little. Adware is very annoying because it presents its victims with advertisements. This category is growing steadily and is therefore an increasing problem.

New species

Ransomware, malware that ransoms files on the victim's PC for ransom, experienced significant growth: in the second half of 2016, nine times as many new types of ransomware were discovered as in the first half of the year. Despite that, the share of ransomware in malware as a whole is limited. Throughout 2016, 4.9% of new malware belonged to this category of ransomware. In the first quarter of 2017, the share had risen sharply to 13.9%.

More and more threats

As many as 6,834,443 new types of malware were discovered in 2016. This represents an increase of 32.9% compared to 2015. This trend continued in the first quarter of this year, with 1,852,945 new types of malware.

Anti-virus software

Secure your computers, servers and your network with multiple layers of antivirus software.

Blocking known malware droppers, real-time scanning when opening web pages and files, and blocking infected computers are among the possibilities.

In this way, prevent a spread in your network, should a virus come in.

I want a free scan with ESET Online Scanner

  • Detects and removes malware
  • User-friendly scan
  • Works from any browser
  • Completely free


Feel free to contact us using the contact form or call: +31 (0) 88 - 428 26 00 for a no-obligation introductory appointment.