The importance of information security continues to grow

With daily news about hackers and information leaks in mind, it is essential that you have information security in place within your organization.

Is ISO 27001 enough to comply with GDPR?

In addition to established technical controls, structured documentation, monitoring, and continuous improvement, the implementation of ISO 27001 promotes a culture and awareness of security incidents in organizations. The employees of these organizations are more aware and have more knowledge to detect and report security incidents. Information security is not just about technology; it is also about people and processes. The ISO 27001 standard is an excellent framework for compliance with the European GDPR. If the standard has been implemented in your organization, you are at least half way to ensuring the protection of personal data and minimizing the risk of a leak, whose financial implications and visibility could be catastrophic for the organization. The first thing an organization needs to do is perform an EU GDPR gap analysis to determine what still needs to be done to meet European GDPR requirements, and then these requirements can easily be added to the Information Security Management System, which has already been set up for ISO 27001. To summarize, every company will have to comply with the GDPR regulation. ISO 27001 is internationally recognized and is the best option to facilitate immediate compliance with the EU GDPR.

Who is ISO 27001 intended for?

For all organizations that want to demonstrate that they use a set of measures, processes and procedures to demonstrate to stakeholders (customers, suppliers, interest groups, sector organizations, etc.) that they are serious about information security. This can be ICT companies, but also banks, insurers, government, healthcare institutions and other companies that handle, process or store confidential information.

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is a standard that deals with information security. This standard describes how you can deal with the security of information in a process-based manner, with the aim of ensuring the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information within an organization.

An ISO 27001 certificate

An organization that meets the ISO 27001 requirements can be audited by a certification body. At an adequate level, an organization will then receive a certificate. The certification body does this in accordance with guidelines so that it is ensured that everyone who receives such a certificate also meets certain conditions. The most important thing is to get a certificate with a RvA stamp on it. This is the Accreditation Council, they check the certification body for quality. This is called an “accredited certification” and adds value to an ISO certificate.

What is information security?

This is the set of preventive, detective, repressive and corrective measures as well as procedures and processes that guarantee the confidentiality, availability and integrity of all forms of information within an organization or a society, with the aim of ensuring the continuity of the information and the provision of information. and limit the potential impact of security incidents to an acceptable predetermined level.

EN 1176

Need help getting ISO27001 certification?

If you are looking for professional help with information security and obtaining ISO 27001 certification, look no further! We have a team of experts ready to help you.

With our experience and in-depth knowledge of information security, we can assist you every step of the way, whether it's determining the risks or drafting policies and procedures.

Our approach is fully tailored to the specific needs of your organization, so you can be assured of a solution that fits seamlessly with your goals.


Feel free to contact us using the contact form or call: +31 (0) 88 - 428 26 00 for a no-obligation introductory appointment.