How do you stay protected in this digital age?

Our specialists have solutions for all security issues of the moment.

GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation (privacy law)

Europe’s new data privacy and security law includes hundreds of pages’ worth of new requirements for organizations around the world.

ISO 27001

The ISO 27001 standard is an excellent framework for compliance with the European GDPR. If the standard has been implemented in your organization, you are at least half way to ensuring the protection of personal data and minimizing the risk of a leak, the financial consequences and visibility of which could be catastrophic for the organization.

Not all calamities come from outside

Whether it's employees who just click on everything or social hacking where they give an unknown person access purely because he asks, your employees are often the weakest link in your security.

Risico inventory

Every risk analysis starts with an assessment of the current infrastructure, a pen test is a suitable means for this. The results of the pen test provide an insight into the hidden vulnerabilities of your network, and are a good starting point for identifying the underlying processes.

So simple can IT be!


Prevent precious data from being lost. Your ICT environment really safe with our "Network Security".


ICT2MKB helps you to determine an optimal security policy that suits your organization.

ISO 27001

With daily news about hackers and information leaks in mind, it is essential that you have information security in order within your organization.


The GDPR is the most significant change in the field of data and privacy since 1995.


Feel free to contact us via our contactform or call: +31(0)88 - 428 26 00 for a no-obligation introductory appointment.