

Renew without investment in hardware

If you still have an outdated Small Business Server, but do not want to make major investments in hardware in these uncertain times, a choice for the Cloud is obvious. Paying monthly just for what you use is now good for the cash flow and if the economy improves again, scaling up is simple and fast. Office on different devices You can use your familiar Office programs on most devices, so your employees can work anywhere.

How SME entrepreneurs grow through a modern IT environment

There are two main basic principles for making extra money and achieving growth. Firstly, as an entrepreneur you can choose the strategy of cost savings, secondly you can choose the strategy to attract new customers. That is why we will answer the following question this time: How does a modern IT environment contribute to these two basic principles ICT2MKB | Cost savings ICT solutions can save considerable costs and the investment can be recouped in a short time. Consider, for example, the automation of human actions, so that less expensive labor is required. Or by saving square meters, because you […]

“What can be really different in ICT?”

Almost 15 years ago, we started this question with our company ICT2MKB. From earlier entrepreneurship, in other branches, we spoke to many entrepreneurs. We noticed that, just like us, many SMEs were struggling with ICT. ICT became too complex, it caused too many headaches, or worse; it just didn’t work! You shouldn’t make things more difficult than necessary, so we decided that things could be done differently. ICT2MKB | So simple can IT be. We would therefore like to draw our attention to our way of thinking and doing business. You will hear a lot from us in the coming […]

8 clear tips for a safe digital workplace at home

Suddenly, the majority of employees are working from the home workplace. It probably feels like less grip and control over digital security for entrepreneurs and IT managers. Unfortunately, given the strong growth in the number of cyber attacks, this appears to be the case. “30% more cyber attacks by COVID-19” was recently reported in this Computable post. Therefore, these 8 clear tips for working safely at home. Tip 1: See the company network as the basis of everything This first tip is an important starting point; ensure a robust, workable network with sufficient internet and data capacity. Because when employees […]

GDPR: Be in time!

GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation (privacywet) De General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) is de meest ingrijpende verandering op het gebied van data en privacy sinds 1995. Toch is nog lang niet iedereen zich bewust van de inhoud en impact van deze wet. Bijzonder, want deze wet is al in april 2016 ingevoerd en de gevolgen voor de wijze waarop bedrijven met persoonsgegevens omgaan zijn enorm. Op 25 mei 2018 zal de GDPR de Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (WBP) definitief vervangen. Het is daarom hoog tijd om maatregelen te treffen.

End of support for SBS2011

Small Business Server 2011 Sinds 14 januari 2015 is de standaard ondersteuning voor SBS 2011 gestopt. Op 14 januari 2020 stopt de volledige ondersteuning voor SBS 2011. SBS 2011 wordt nog veel gebruikt, terwijl de (standaard) support allang is verlopen. Daarnaast is de keuze voor wel/geen cloud (of hybrid) actueler dan ooit. Voor MKB klanten wordt de keuze ook lastiger aangezien SBS 2011 de laatste SBS versie was. Door de vele wijzigingen in de software en licentie structuur van Microsoft moet er tijdig naar een vervangende oplossing gekeken worden.